To become a Licensed On-Purpose Presenter, you invest in your initial training plus an upfront annual license that grants you access to the training place website.
Click here for more information about becoming an On-Purpose Presenter.
Every Person On-Purpose!
Do you feel called to guide people to find their purpose in life? Then, apply to become an On-Purpose Presenter who is certified and licensed to use Thanks to this tool, the heavy lifting of finding a purpose statement is reduced to about a 3-minute ingeniously fast and forever meaningful process.
To become a Licensed On-Purpose Presenter, you invest in your initial training plus an upfront annual license that grants you access to the training place website.
Click here for more information about becoming an On-Purpose Presenter.
To become a Licensed On-Purpose Presenter, you invest in your initial training plus an upfront annual license that grants you access to the training place website.
Click here for more information about becoming an On-Purpose Presenter.
"I was amazed at how well my 2-word purpose fit me. I did this at an event. I was amazed at how similar and different other people’s purpose statements were around me. People I knew well were also delighted with their outcomes."
"On-Purpose is a unifying and practical approach to meaningfully succeeding in life and work. I love the depth and breadth of its usefulness in my personal and work life."
"I love Kevin McCarthy's concept of being on-purpose."
Ken Blanchard, PhD
Author, The One Minute Manager
Chief Spiritual Office, The Ken Blanchard Companies