- Why do we do what we do? (Purpose)
- Where are we going? (Vision)
- How do we get there? (Missions and Plan)
- What’s guiding our decisions? (Values)
- Who are we? (Identity)

If you’re challenged by any of these questions or unsure, a PVMV Checkup by Kevin W. McCarthy makes sense. He reviews your business plan, current strategy, marketing materials, financial statements, online reputation, and website. Kevin conducts interviews with key internal business leaders and team members. His findings are geared toward quickly assessing the clarity and effectiveness of the business PVMV and making rapid adjustments.
- Clarifying recommendations for your Purpose, Vision, Missions, and Values
- Financial impact estimate of calculated losses and potential gains as traced through the CLO Integrity Map (download)
- Guidance for high ROI, simple-to-implement next steps
- Resources to assist you
- Referrals to specialized talent capable of accelerating the design and/or implementation of needed improvements